Tuesday 12 March 2019

Hip to be Square.

Last Friday, our classes held our assembly. Our item was based around the fact that it is cool to be intelligent. Mrs Queiros and I were so impressed with the efforts of the students. Your enthusiasm and the way you delivered your lines and danced was exceptional. Well done to the speakers and our assembly hosts. I would also like to thank the parents and guardians for the effort you put into preparing the student's costumes. We really appreciated Mr Sanderson writing the assembly item. We would like to thank our class for winning the Music and LOTE awards.

Congratulations to the students mentioned below for achieving the following awards:

Jai, Shayla, Steffi and Savannah received Honour Certificates. Kaity and Sanj received Literacy Pro Awards. Sanj was awarded the Science Award. Ella received the Values Award for Respect.