Monday, 1 April 2019

A note from Mr Sherlock and Mrs Queiros.

We have been working hard on the learning program within the room. In Literacy, we have been focusing on writing Natural Disaster Reports and poems. We have been analysing poetry and looking at making inferences during reading sessions. Our focus for the last two weeks will be on the ANZACS and the World Wars. In Maths, we have been looking at Algebra, Special Numbers and we have now begun Fractions. In Science we have been focusing on Natural Disasters. Next week, we will be sitting the Principal Challenge Tests. We look forward to discussing your child’s progress in next Tuesday’s Parent Teacher Interviews. We both have thoroughly enjoyed the term and we are very grateful for the efforts from the students and for your wonderful support.

Senior Assembly Week Eight Term One.

Congratulations to Summer, Rhyanna, Kaity and Luke for receiving Merit Awards at the recent assembly.

Congratulations to Eli, Ruby, Makayla, Jai, Shayla, Riann, Steffi, and Jacob for being elected as Faction Captains for their various factions.

Harmony Day 2019 

During Week Seven, the whole school dressed up for Harmony Day in the national dress that reflected their cultural background. A huge thank you to the parents that helped the students with their costume. Mrs Randall produced a wonderful art installation for the day.