Saturday 28 August 2021


Room 31 Term Three Blog Update


The Student Representatives for Term Three have been selected. They have been doing an excellent job so far in their roles. They have attended and run their first Student Council meeting.

In Mathematics, during the first part of the term we looked at Fractions and Decimals. We are currently working through Ratios and then we move on to Percentages.

Our major STEM focus this term is the designing and construction of sustainable houses. We have been researching the benefits of renewable energy and what does a house need to be classed as sustainable. We are now designing our floor plans and we will begin constructing them shortly. The students will need to bring recyclable materials in to class. The students will show their parents the process they have gone through and the finished product on our Room 31 Learning Journey that will be held on Tuesday September 21 in Week Ten.

The jumps, distance races and throws will be held next Wednesday September 1 at Wattle Grove Primary School. The main carnival will be held at Dawson Park Primary School on Friday September 3.

Last week we held our Book Week Parade. It was great to see all of the wonderful costumes across the school.

Student Citizenship Portfolios and Citizenship Projects are due Monday of Week One, Term Four. The students will present their Citizenship Projects to the class during this week.

We will look at organising a camp meeting in the coming weeks.

We are looking forward to seeing you all at the Learning Journeys at the end of term.


Mr Sherlock and Mrs Queiros.